An Adventure of Rediscover

To explore somewhere new is one of the many marvels of life itself. Discovering what else is out there apart from what you’re used to seeing is something that will always be one of the most exhilarating things in existence for me. Although, experiencing a moment of discovery with someone else is just as good, if not better in some cases. This is a mini story about a trip a friend of mine and I took in January of 2020, just before the pandemic hit the globe. I find that noting the lockdown is an important piece of this story, mainly because of how much it seemingly robbed us of exploration and adventure soon after this trip. We didn’t know it then, but this would be one of the last “normal” adventures that we would have for the foreseeable future. 

The Olympics of Washington has always been a place that has fascinated me to no end. There’s something so mysterious about this ancient part of the state. From the chain of peaks that tower above the valleys below, to the mighty rainforests that dominate the land and eventually make their way all the way down to the beautiful Washington coastline. This trip would be my first time in this part of the state, and much like any other adventure, I was going in blindly. With bags packed and an open mind, we were ready to see what was out there.

Just before this trip I had heard of an abandoned bridge in the middle of the Olympic National Forest. This bridge at the time had made its way all over social media, famed for its unique structure and terrifying height. It was our first time at the infamous Vance Creek Bridge, and we didn’t realize what we had gotten ourselves into until we were there. Vandalized and towering 347 feet above the valley floor beneath it, this bridge was the epitome of an abandoned logging railway. Still, with all the signs of danger right in front of us, we continued our walk along the burnt planks. Yes, looking back it was a very dangerous and one could say foolish decision, but the memories that we made on top of that bridge are ones that we will hold forever; and that’s worth it to me. 

The journey did not stop after Vance Creek, as we continued deeper into the national forest until we eventually made it to Lake Cushman. The classic Washington weather started to roll in just as we got there; constant rain and thick clouds. I look back on the moments that we spent near the lake and remember myself thinking about how fun it was to explore with another person again. Before this trip I had been exploring by myself for many of my adventures, but this trip revealed how much fun it was to be accompanied by another person. Being able to make memories together and share the same love and passion for adventure is something that I absolutely cherish to this day. This trip berthed many more adventures between us, and I can’t help but be grateful for this experience.  


High Rock


To Feel Alive