Welcome to Wonderland

In July of 2021, I found myself entering Mt. Rainier National Park for the first time in my life. An odd feeling this was, as I have lived in Washington my whole life and spent most of my time exploring the outdoors, but never wandered around one of the states most popular natural areas. Passing the park entrance on the south side, I could see why this area saw millions of people every year: it was enchanting. Giant Douglas Firs and Western Hemlocks, deep valleys carved out by glaciers over millions of years, and of course the 14,411 foot monster that made its presence pretty much wherever you looked. There was nothing short of grand about this area, and I was only scraping the surface. 

The trail for the day was Owyhigh Lakes, a 7 mile and heavily inclined trail leading to two alpine lakes. The trail was no easy feat, and coming off another long hike 2 days before, the legs were burnt. It was one of those classic Washington summer days though; bright sun, warm air, and the smell of pine. Morale was still very high as the meadow came closer and closer. About a mile or so away from the lakes, a lonely hiker stopped us and warned of a bear up the trail, “I turned the corner and it was just standing there… It saw me and darted off into the forest.” Excitement and adrenaline was even higher now. Could I finally have the chance to see a bear on trail for the first time? The lakes were finally in sight, and nothing but silence filled the air, as words could not express how amazing the scenery was. Stopping for a long needed break at the larger lake, I noticed something black in the treeline across the lake. It took me a second to make out exactly what it was, but I knew, this was the bear. What a welcome to this fairytale-like world. 


The Trail Less Travelled